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Love Addiction Worksheets

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Are you experiencing any of the following?

  • Do romantic relationships consume nearly all of your thoughts and energy?
  • Do you feel desperate to be in a romantic relationship regardless of its health or suitability?
  • Do you find yourself jumping from one romantic relationship to another without taking time for yourself?
  • Do you often stay in unhealthy relationships because you fear being alone?
  • Do you feel incomplete or worthless without a romantic partner?
  • Do you neglect friends, family, or responsibilities for your romantic relationships?
  • Do you often compromise your own values, boundaries, or well-being to keep a romantic partner happy?
  • Do you use romance or sex to cope with feelings of emptiness, loneliness, or low self-esteem?
  • Do you struggle to enjoy life or pursue personal interests when you’re not in a romantic relationship?
  • Do you tend to idealize romantic partners and ignore warning signs or red flags in relationships?
  • Have you ever found yourself trying to “rescue” or change partners, believing your love will transform them?
  • Do you have a history of clingy or needy behavior in relationships?

If so, Love Addiction Worksheets can help you connect with yourself and find healthier love.

(+40 pages of evidence based exercises and techniques)

What’s Included?

  • Self-Assessment
  • Identify Symptoms of Love Addiction
  • Identifying Patterns
  • Triggers and Vulnerabilities
  • Needs Assessment
  • Boundary Setting
  • Challenging Negative Beliefs
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Building Self-Esteem
  • Values Clarification
  • Hobbies and Interests
  • Mindful Dating Guidelines
  • Can an Addictive Relationship Be Fixed?
  • Abstinence

Love Addiction vs. Trauma Bond

Love Addiction:

Love addiction is characterized by a pattern of behavior where individuals become emotionally dependent on the feeling of being in love or being in a relationship. It is not medically recognized as an addiction in the same way that substance addictions are, but it's a term used to describe behaviors that resemble addictive patterns.

Trauma Bonding:

Trauma bonding refers to the strong emotional attachment that develops between a victim and an abuser, often in a cycle of abuse where periods of mistreatment are interspersed with positive reinforcement, such as kindness or affection.

While both love addiction and trauma bonding involve intense emotional attachments, the context and dynamics differ significantly. Love addiction is more about the pattern of seeking fulfillment through romance or relationships to the point of having a detrimental effect on one’s life, whereas a trauma bond is specifically related to the dynamics of an abusive relationship.

Trauma Bond Worksheets

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What people are saying

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“I’ve been facilitating mental health groups for 10 years and I’ve never come across worksheets as good as yours [including Therapy Aid].

Thank you for your wonderful worksheets and please keep them coming!”

– Gary

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“I wanted to write to you to tell you how much clarity I have received from your prompts in the journals. I bought the toxic relationship and breakup recovery ones and I will forever recommend them to others.

Thank you so much for the gift you share in the world to help others heal.”

– R – recovering from divorce and a 3 year toxic relationship right after that.

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“I am so grateful to you. I was somewhat apprehensive about facing certain things that I knew were there but had been resisting addressing. Your approach in the worksheets made it easier, more structured, and less daunting to confront… I am beginning to understand myself better and striving to be a better partner, coach and psychologist.”

– Rocio


Hi there, my name is Hadiah.

I am a counselor and the author behind Ineffable Living blog – a codependency and mental health blog.

I wanted the worksheets to be both informative and engaging, so I worked on creating clear and concise instructions, thought-provoking prompts, and activities that would encourage self-reflection.

As I witnessed the positive impact these worksheets had on my clients' progress, I realized their potential to reach a broader audience.

Whether you’re a therapist, a coach, or a counselor who is looking for tools to help your clients or simply someone who is seeking personal growth, coping strategies, or ways to enhance your overall well-being, our worksheets are here to assist you.